Ehrenpromotionen der Universität Basel ab 2016

Hier finden Sie eine Lister aller Ehrenpromotionen der Universität Basel ab 2016, mit Angaben zur Laudatio und kurzen Angaben zum akademischen Lebenslauf der Geehrten. Im Jahr 2020 hat die Universität Basel aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie auf die Durchführung des Dies academicus und die Verleihung von Ehrenpromotionen verzichtet.

Ehrenpromotion Fakultät für Psychologie 2019

Name Busemeyer, Jerome R.
Geschlecht m
Datum 29.11.2019
Fakultät Fakultät für Psychologie
Titel Dr. phil.


The Faculty of Psychology of the University of Basel founded in 1460 hereby confers all the dignity, rights, and privileges of an honorary doctorate in Psychology upon Jerome R. Busemeyer, Ph.D. from Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

in acknowledgement of his outstanding contributions to the improvement of cognitive science;

in acknowledgment of his services to establishing mathematical psychology and cognitive modeling as integral parts of modern psychology;

and in acknowledgement of his commitment to disseminating his knowledge for educational and societal benefit.


Jerome Busemeyer (PhD in mathematical psychology, University of South Carolina, 1980; post-doc, University of Illinois, quantitative methods), previously was a faculty member at Purdue University before 1997 and now is Distinguished Professor in Psychological and Brain Sciences, Cognitive Science, and Statistics at Indiana University-Bloomington. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, and the National Institute of Mentnal Health, and he served grant review panels for these agencies. He was the Manager of the Cognition and Decision Program at the Air Force Office of Scientific Research in 2005-2007. He has published five books in decision and cognition, and over 100 journal articles across disciplines. He served as the Chief Editor of Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Associate Editor of Psychological Review, and he was the founding Chief Editor of Decision. He is a fellow of the Society of Experimental Psychologists and he won the prestigious Warren medal from that society in 2015. He became a fellow of the Cognitive Science Society and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2017. During his early career, he became well known for the development of a dynamic and stochastic model of human decision making called decision field theory. Later, he was one of the pioneers to develop a new approach to cognition based on principles from quantum theory.  In 2012, Cambridge University Press published his book with Peter Bruza introducing this new theory applying quantum probability to model human judgment and decision-making.

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