Ehrenpromotionen der Universität Basel ab 2016

Hier finden Sie eine Lister aller Ehrenpromotionen der Universität Basel ab 2016, mit Angaben zur Laudatio und kurzen Angaben zum akademischen Lebenslauf der Geehrten. Im Jahr 2020 hat die Universität Basel aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie auf die Durchführung des Dies academicus und die Verleihung von Ehrenpromotionen verzichtet.

Ehrenpromotion Fakultät für Psychologie 2022

Name Bockting, Claudi
Geschlecht f
Datum 25.11.2022
Fakultät Fakultät für Psychologie
Titel Dr. phil.


Die Fakultät für Psychologie der im Jahre 1460 gegründeten Universität Basel verleiht die Würde und alle damit verbundenen Rechte, Ehren und Privilegien einer Doktorin der Philosophie ehrenhalber an Prof. Dr. Claudi Bockting von Holland

in Anerkennung ihrer Arbeiten über die nachhaltige Prävention, Behandlung und Rückfallprophylaxe von häufigen psychischen Störungen;

in Anerkennung ihrer interdisziplinären Arbeit zur Identifizierung der veränderbaren Faktoren, die bei der Entstehung, dem Rückfall und der Chronifizierung von häufigen psychischen Störungen eine Rolle spielen;

in Anerkennung ihrer Bemühungen, die Zugänglichkeit wirksamer psychologischer Interventionen in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen durch den Einsatz vonTechnologie zu verbessern.


Claudi L. Bockting (1969, Silvolde, The Netherlands) is a Dutch clinical psychologist/ psychotherapist, a Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry at the Amsterdam University Medical Center, and the (co)director of the University of Amsterdam’s Centre for Urban Mental Health.

Her research program focuses on identifying potentially modifiable mechanisms that contribute to onset, maintenance and relapse of common mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. With her team she works on developing innovative interventions, including treatments based on state of the art technology. As the (co)director of the Centre for Urban Mental Health at the University of Amsterdam, her methods include applying complex systems theory to mental health conditions and interventions. Bockting has published more than 190 journal articles, is the author of several (self-help) books, and developed Preventive Cognitive Therapy, a form of psychotherapy that specifically aims to prevent relapse in major depressive disorder, which was found to be effective in multiple randomized controlled trials.

After receiving her PhD from the University of Amsterdam at the faculty of medicine in 2006, she was associate professor at the University of Groningen’s faculty of social and behavioral sciences. Bockting accepted a position as a Professor of Depression for Etiology, Recidivism and Chronicity at the same university in 2010, which she held until 2014. From 2014 to 2017, Bockting was a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Utrecht University. In 2017 she got appointed as Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry at the University of Amsterdam‘s faculty of medicine, which is part of the Amsterdam University Medical Center. In 2019, she co-founded the Centre for Urban Mental Health, a substantial interdisciplinary research priority area of the University of Amsterdam, which she chairs together with developmental psychologist Professor Reinout Wiers.

Today, Bockting serves as an expert on mental health conditions and treatment in several institutional functions, throughout The Netherlands and internationally. She is president of the European Association for Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment, chairs the Centre for Excellence in Mental Health Sciences, is a member of the scientific advisory boards at the Dutch Association for Psychotherapy (NVP, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychotherapie), the Dutch Research Council (NWO, Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijke Onderzoek), and the Dutch Health Institute (Zorginstituut Nederland). She is further the head of training at Cure & Care, a postdoctoral training center to become a licensed health psychologists. Her work has been honored with several distinctions and fellowships, among others at the Beck Institute, the World Health Organisation and the American Psychological Association. Recently, Bockting was appointed as a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.


Foto Claudi Bockting: © Marieke de Lorijn

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